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Javascript to make objects on your webpage obey gravity

google gravity

google gravity

Javascript to make objects on your webpage obey gravity

Hello all ,

Found very cool thing 🙂

This is a general version of the Google Gravity code written by Mr. Doob as a Chrome Experiment.

Just Include this file somewhere inside the body or head tag

<script src=""></script>

Or run the bookmarklet by setting this as the link in a bookmark and clicking it while on ANY page. NOTE:NOTE:NOTE some browsers will remove the javascript: when you paste this string in the url bar. You can just add it back in after you paste it.

javascript:var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src=""; document.body.appendChild(script);void(0);

If you include this script or eval this javascript after the body tag has loaded it will do it’s awesome thing.

The standard version waits for a user to move their mouse. This version starts without the mouse moving:

<script src=""></script>

or a shortened version

<script src=""></script>


google gravity
google gravity


Reference: link

Good luck .


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