Fortinet Fortigate Linux VPN Client


Fortinet Fortigate Linux VPN Client

SSL VPN standalone tunnel client applications are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems (see the Release Notes for your FortiOS firmware for the specific versions that are supported). There are separate download files for each operating system.


Note: Windows users can also download the tunnel mode client from an SSL VPN web portal that contains the Tunnel Mode widget.


The most recent version of the SSL VPN standalone client applications can be found at:


To download the SSL VPN tunnel client


1. Log in to Fortinet Support at

2. In the Download area, select Firmware Images.

3. Select FortiGate.

4. Select v4.00 and then select the latest firmware release.

5. Select SSL VPN Clients.

6. Select the appropriate client.Windows:


  • SslvpnClient.exe or SslvpnClient.msiLinux
  • forticlientsslvpn_linux_<version>.tar.gzMac OS X
  • forticlientsslvpn_macosx_<version>.dmg


Note: The location of the SSL VPN tunnel client on the Support web site is subject to change. If you have difficulty finding the appropriate file, contact Customer Support.


To use the SSL VPN standalone tunnel client (Linux)


1. Go to the folder where you installed the Linux tunnel client application and double-click on ‘forticlientsslvpn’.


2. Enter the following information.


  • Connection If you have pre-configured the connection settings, select the connection from the list and then select Connect. Otherwise, enter the settings in the fields below.To pre-configure connection settings, see “To configure tunnel client settings (Windows)” on page 68.
  • Server Enter the IP address or FQDN of the FortiGate unit that hosts the SSL VPN. In the smaller field, enter the SSL VPN port number (default 10443).
  • User Enter your user name.
  • Password Enter the password associated with your user account.
  • Certificate Use this field if the SSL VPN requires a certificate for authentication.Select the certificate file (PKCS#12) from the drop-down list, or select the Browse (…) button and find it.
  • Password Enter the password required for the certificate file.
  • Settings… Select to open the Settings dialog. See “To configure tunnel client settings (Linux)” on page 68.



Use the Connect and Stop buttons to control the tunnel connection.To configure tunnel client settings (Linux)


To configure tunnel client settings (Linux)


1. Go to the folder where you installed the Linux tunnel client application and double-click forticlientsslvpn.


2. Select Settings….


3. Select Keep connection alive until manually stopped to prevent tunnel connections from closing due to inactivity.


4. Select Start connection automatically.The next time the tunnel mode application starts, it will start the last selected connection.


5. If you use a proxy, enter in Proxy the proxy server IP address and port. Enter proxy authentication credentials immediately below in User and Password.


6. Select the + button to define a new connection, or select from the list an existing connection to modify. For a new connection, the Connection window opens. For an existing connection, the current settings appear in the Settings window and you can modify them.


7. Enter the connection information. If you are creating a new connection, select Createwhen you are finished.See “To use the SSL VPN standalone tunnel client (Linux)” on page 68 for information about the fields.8 Select Done.


Update 22.05.2015:

As of version 4.4.2313 Fortinet modified quite a few files resp. deleted some .sh files as for example the file were we made the Ubuntu 15.04 changes. Also when you start the program it still shows version 4.4.2312 which means they forgot to increment the version number. Until now I only tested for Ubuntu 14.04 32/64bit, your are welcome to test for other OS variants.

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2313 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2313 64bit

Old versions:

Modified version (works with Ubuntu 15.04):

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312-3 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312-3 64bit

Unmodified version (works with Ubuntu < 15.04):

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2307 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2307 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2303 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2303 64bit

Forticlient – SSLVPN .deb packages

Fortinet Fortigate Linux SSL VPN Client